

  •  I am committed to meaningful learning  through activities that foster creativity, inquiry, and  ownership of our learning process.  In a university setting, meaningful learning engages multiple  literacies  and incorporates both writing-to-learn and instructional technologies as topics and methodologies  in our courses. In these ways, engaged learning communities create  audiences for student work as they/we revise  it and learn from mistakes.


  • As a Teaching Fellow  and Writing Fellow at CUNY I have worked with students from diverse backgrounds at Lehman College (General Psychology, 2008-2009), Hunter College (Introductory  and Personality Psychology,  2009-2011) and Medgar Evers College (Writing in the Disciplines Program, 2011-present). My earlier experience involves teaching ELL, theater, and visual arts to children.

Sample Course: Personality Psychology through  a case study of Bob Dylan

  •  This course invites students to:  1) Learn and evaluate the theories and methods of personality psychology;  2) Develop  empathic observation and listening skills; 3)  Use  writing-to-learn  and digital mediato carry out, document, and share a collaborative case study of Bob Dylan.  To this end, students: 1) engage in in-class  and online participation (forums, material sharing, multimedia presentations, etc); 2) gather and analyze written and audiovisual materials about Dylan; 5) read  (McAdams, 2009) and write;  and 6) prepare a portfolio showcasing their work.
  • The Prezis featured here examples of  student work:


[prezi id=’http://prezi.com/aawar9jympj_/oceanview-of-bob-dylan-amanda-torres-psych-220-personality/’ height=’400′ width=’600′]

[prezi id=’http://prezi.com/j27ykxhywcdv/prezi-presentation-on-bob-dylan-ocean/’ height=’400′ width=’600′]

[prezi id=’http://prezi.com/mnd8slznf77_/the-social-ecology-of-dylans-personality/’ height=’400′ width=’600′]

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