New Media Lab
- In February 2010 I joined the community of students, faculty, and staff who are affiliated to the CUNY Graduate Center’s New Media Lab. The Lab supports faculty and students as we explore the conceptual, methodological, ethical, and technical possibilities at the intersection scholarly work and digital media.
My work
- The Memoscopio project at the New Media Lab, April 2010.
- I am passionate about bringing together digital media, education, and participatory action research (PAR). PAR is a research tradition inspired in the Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Because PAR combines social inquiry, education, and action, it has much to gain from digital media. I am particularly interested in using digital media to foster academic-community collaborations and to create products that are accessible and useful to non-academic audiences.
- To this end, I have used WordPress to give PAR projects an ongoing web-presence, as well as social media to disseminate research products and carry out data collection. In addition, I use Omeka as a tool to turn data sets into publicly available digital collections and exhibits, as well Personal Brain for international research teams to carry out collaborative data analysis. In addition, my work uses Prezi for the development of presentations and educational materials that are engaging and useful to non-academic audiences.
- The CUNY Graduate Center’s Media Lab, CUNYTV, 2010